Great to see some new bits and pieces and lots of bug fixes!
Novation Peak:
In the rare event front panel controls become responsive after completing this update it will be necessary to restart your unit.
* Local state is now stored in the global settings. If Local is saved to ‘Off’ a temporary display will show on boot. Settings must be saved in order to be retained through a power cycle (go the Settings menu and press Save)
* All local modes can be set by sending the following values on CC122. A temporary display will be shown when the local state is changed via MIDI: 0 = off
127 = on
Bug fixes:
* Sudden changes in stereo position – fixed an issue where certain combinations of Spread, SpreadMode and PanPosn settings could result in sudden changes to the distribution of voices in the stereo field.
* Poly mode voice management – Previously when using 8 voice unison with long envelope times in Poly mode all 8 voices may not be triggered when playing in legato style. All 8 voices are now triggered whenever a new key is pressed. This fix does not apply to Poly2 mode.
* Hanging notes – Playing greater than 8 notes after the unit has booted can no longer result in a hanging note.
* Reverb Size not recalled correctly when loading a patch – Reverb Size front panel control and Reverb Size menu parameter (FX 8/10) now work bi-directionally and settings are recalled correctly.
* All sounds off/all notes off – Peak now responds to both CC120 & CC123 according to the MIDI org specs. CC120 (all sounds off) cancels all notes and shuts down envelopes & FX – settings are restored with the next note. CC123 (all notes off) cancels any active notes.
* LFO FadeSync – LFO FadeSync now works in both Mono & Poly voice modes. This feature determines whether fade is applied to an LFO, when set to ‘On’ the fade value will be applied to with each keypress in legato playing style. When set to ‘Off’ the fade will be applied with the first key press in legato playing style.
* Mixed displays when moving multiple controls – Revisions have been made to the screen display prioritisation to prevent mixed/garbled displays appearing on screen.
* Screen doesn’t wake from a USD MIDI event – Fixed an issue when the screen would not wake when receiving a USB MIDI event.
* Ignores LSB in CC pairs – LSB is no longer ignored, this reduces stepping when controlling Peak via external MIDI
* Notes held in Arp cache when Arp is off – In previous builds if Arp was disabled while notes were being held, the notes would be cached causing the same arpeggiated sequence to play when Arp is enabled again. The Arp note cache is now cleared when Arp is disabled.
Novation Summit:
* Local state is now stored in the global settings. If Local is saved to ‘Off’ a temporary display will show on boot. Settings must be saved in order to be retained through a power cycle (go to the Settings menu and press Save)
* All local modes can be set by sending the following values on CC122. A temporary display will be shown when the local state is changed via MIDI: 0 = off 64 = seq 127 = on
* Pressing both Octave buttons resets the octave range – As with other Novation synths, pressing Octave +/- will reset any octave shift applied to the keys through the Octave buttons.
Bug fixes:
* Sudden changes in stereo position – fixed an issue where certain combinations of Spread, SpreadMode and PanPosn settings could result in sudden changes to the distribution of voices in the stereo field.
* Animates not available in Local | Seq – Both animate buttons now work in Single & Multi mode when local mode is set to Seq.
* Oscillator Diverge & Drift in multi-patches – These settings now work on a per-part basis.
* Switching to Multi Mode via MIDI – NRPN 62:0:1 to global MIDI channel now switches to Multi. NRPN 62:0:0 to either part A or part B MIDI channel switches to Single.
* LFOs on both parts of a multi adapt to tempo changes – Previously LFOs on a multi only updated to tempo changes if part B was selected. This is now fixed.
* LFO Common – LFO common is now working uniformly across voices 1-8 & 9-16 and can be used on a per-part basis in multi-patches.
* Reverb Size not recalled correctly when loading a patch – Reverb Size front panel control and Reverb Size menu parameter (FX 8/10) now work bi-directionally and settings are recalled correctly.
* All sounds off/all notes off – Summit now responds to both CC120 & CC123 according to the MIDI org specs. CC120 (all sounds off) cancels all notes and shuts down envelopes & FX – settings are restored with the next note. CC123 (all notes off) cancels any active notes.
* LFO FadeSync – LFO FadeSync now works in both Mono & Poly voice modes. This feature determines whether fade is applied to an LFO, when set to ‘On’ the fade value will be applied to each keypress in legato playing style. When set to ‘Off’ the fade will be applied with the first key press in legato playing style.
* Mixed displays when moving multiple controls – Revisions have been made to the screen display prioritisation to prevent mixed/garbled displays from appearing on screen.
* Screen doesn’t wake from a USD MIDI event – Fixed an issue when the screen would not wake when receiving a USB MIDI event.
* Ignores LSB in CC pairs – LSB is no longer ignored, this reduces stepping when controlling Summit via external MIDI
* Notes held in Arp cache when Arp is off – In previous builds if Arp was disabled while notes were being held, the notes would be cached causing the same arpeggiated sequence to play when Arp is enabled again. The Arp note cache is now cleared when Arp is disabled.
* Arp to MIDI behaviour has been changed. Please see this page for more information: https://support.novationmusic.com/…/arti…/13001787498898
* Octave values show as -64 in some multi-patches – Per part octave displacement values shown multi patch page 4/4 now display correctly.
* Pressing ‘Compare’ while Part B is selected changes Part selection to Part A – Updated part selection and Multi-mode state are now retained when using ‘Compare’.
* LFO 3 & 4 values differ between voices 1-8 & 9-16 – LFO 3 & 4 are now uniform across all voices.
* Activating Arp on a multi patch will cancel latched notes on the other part when using MIDI loopback – Latched notes are now retained in this circumstance.
* ‘saved val’ display flickers between Part A & Part B when using multi control – Screen will show the saved value on Part A and Part as ‘saved ptA’ & ‘saved ptB’ when Parts A & B are selected.
* Octave buttons don’t respond when local is off – Octave buttons now adjust to the octave range of the MIDI output when local is off.
* Part A/B categories update correctly – Category fields now show correctly in multi-patches.
* LFO LEDs updating when using Phase Sync on multi patches – LED displays in this circumstance have been improved and reflect the per-part LFO settings.