David Bridie, Not Drowning Waving / My Friend The Chocolate Cake

David Bridie Not Drowing Waving

David Bridie is one of Australia’s most lauded songwriters and he happens to be one very good keyboard player as well. We speak with David on his career across multiple bands, solo albums and film and TV work. If you’re hungry for some excellent varied and substantive music, do listen to some of David’s work in the links below.

To listen / watch:

  1. Audio-only: click on the play button in the audio player above, or:
  2. Video: watch the embedded video below or check it and previous episodes out on our YouTube Channel

Discussion topics covered during the show (links will open in new tab):

George Telek

Not Drowning Waving – Tabaran

Not Drowning Waving – Crazy Birds

David Bridie – Act of Free Choice (the song)

My Friend The Chocolate Cake – A Midlife’s Tale

My Friend The Chocolate Cake – Jeffrey Smart (Silver City)

David Bridie and John Phillips – The Sleep of Rhythm

My Friend The Chocolate Cake: Uncle Bill’s Paddock

Archie Roach – Jamu Dreaming

Christine Anu – Stylin’ Up album

David’s go-to keyboards

Tag a keyboard player: Karen Vogt

Conway Savage – When The Moon is Gone

Desert Island Discs: Court and Spark – Joni Mitchell, Spirit of Eden – Talk Talk, Quasimodo’s Dream – The Reels, The Correct Use of Soap – Magazine (David sings on a cover of a brilliant song from that album), Sorousian – Tio.

Don’t forget to click on any of the subscribe links to automatically have each episode download, or just click play on the player above to listen right here.

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Finally, check out our podcast guest playlist on Spotify to get a taste of each guest’s creations.

Photo by Matt Chapman

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